Modify Liquidation Parameters

The Modify Liquidation Parameters poll type will allow Lucra governance to calibrate parameter values that control the mechanics of collateral liquidation. 5 parameters Safe Ratio, Bid Fee, Max Premium Rate, Partial Liquidation Threshold, and Valid Price Timeframe will constitute the control mechanism of liquidating collaterals.

The Safe Ratio is the target risk ratio of a liquidated loan position, defined as the ratio of (Borrow Amount) to (Borrow Limit). A low Safe Ratio value allows for the fast liquidation of collaterals while incurring a high price impact for the collateral, while a low Safe Ratio value enforces liquidations with lower collateral price impact, albeit with slower collateral liquidation.

The Bid Fee parameter determines the commission rate on executed bids, which is used to purchase NEP tokens.

The Max Premium Rate is the maximum rate of premium that bidders can submit.

Partial Liquidation Threshold is defined as the threshold total collateral value to trigger partial collateral liquidations. Loan positions with a total collateral value below this threshold have their collaterals fully liquidated at once, resetting their risk ratio to 0.

Valid Price Timeframe determines the freshness limit for oracle price data. Oracle price data is considered invalid (halts all collateral liquidations) when the most recent price data is older than Valid Price Timeframe.

Parameter Name


Safe Ratio

Targeted risk ratio of a liquidated loan

Bid Fee

Protocol commission on executed bids used to purchase NEP

Max Premium Rate

Maximum bid premium rate value submittable by bidders

Partial Liquidation Threshold

Threshold total collateral value to trigger partial collateral liquidations

Valid Price Timeframe

Time window before the Liquidation Contract considers oracle price data invalid

Genesis Values

Parameter Name


Safe Ratio


Bid Fee


Max Premium Rate


Partial Liquidation Threshold

400 nYUSD

Valid Price Timeframe

60 seconds

Poll Format





Poll title


Proposal Rationale

Short description of poll rationale


Information Link

External URL for further information


Safe Ratio

Proposed risk ratio target for a liquidated loan


Bid Fee

Proposed protocol commission on executed bids used to purchase NEP


Max Premium Rate

Proposed maximum bid premium rate value submittable by bidders


Partial Liquidation Threshold

Proposed threshold total collateral value to trigger partial collateral liquidations


Valid Price Timeframe

Proposed time window before the Liquidation Contract considers oracle price data invalid


Last updated