Proposal Types

Governance proposals on the NEPRI TFA Protocol will come in a variety of formats. There will be six different categories of proposals that can be made: Whitelist a New tAsset, Register Whitelist Parameters, Modify Mint Parameters, Modify Governance Parameters, Spend Community Pool, and Submit Text Proposal.

1. Submit text poll

The function of the text proposal will be to allow proposals that do not fit the defined categories. Given that it is a basic text proposal, simple fields for the Title, Description, and an Information Link for additional information.

2. Whitelist a New tAsset

The function of this proposal is to start a poll to whitelist a new asset. Given that this is a simple text proposal, there are a few fields that need to be filled. The Asset Name, Ticker, Listed Exchange, and Reason for listing are required. Due to the limitations on the length of the description field of the underlying smart contracts, the maximum length will be 1024 bytes. It is suggested that additional information be added on a separate web page and linked to using the Information Link field.

Information that would be necessary for a voter to make an informed decision should be clearly stated in addition to reasons for listing this asset and the asset name and ticker. For example, simply stating:

Google should be listed because it is a popular stock

has numerous problems. First, the specific exchange that the price feed should be taken from is not clearly stated (many companies are dual-listed). Second, Google actually has two stocks that are publicly traded: GOOGL and GOOG (the former has voting rights whereas the latter does not). In addition, the official name registered with NASDAQ is not Google but rather Alphabet Inc. Thus it is extremely important to make it as clear as possible to others about the asset that you intend to whitelist.

3. Register Whitelist Parameters

If a proposal to whitelist is approved, another poll must be passed to set the parameters of the newly listed asset. The required fields include Title, Description, Asset Name, Symbol, Oracle Feeder (address), Auction Discount, and the Minimum Collateral Ratio. Again, it is advised to include reference to the passed whitelist poll as well as the reasoning for choosing the given oracle address. Given that the NEPRI FTA Protocol is in its early stages, it is advisable to keep the parameters equal to existing parameters for already listed assets (Auction Discount at 15%, and Minimum Collateral Ratio at 120%). The original tAssets will utilize Chainlink and Band Protocol’s feeders, so a rough guideline to communicate with Band Protocol to receive the oracle address is provided below. If another oracle address would like to be suggested, please input the address in the Oracle Feeder field.

To ensure the proper functioning of the price feed, newly whitelisted assets on NEPRI TFA Protocol will undergo a 1 week testing period where the prices are still fed by the oracle but no buy/sell, mint, or staking actions can be performed.

Through this poll, the existing NEPRI TFA Protocol parameters for a specific individual tAsset can be modified. The possible parameters to be updated consist of either the Auction Discount and the Minimum Collateral Ratio.

4. Modify Mint Parameters

5. Modify Governance Parameters

Similar to modifying mint parameters, governance parameters such as the Quorum, Threshold, Voting Period, Effective Delay, Expiration Period, and Proposal Deposit can be modified.

Proposals relating to spending the accrued NEPT tokens in the community pool can be made under this section. The proposal should ideally specify the reasons for the distribution and identify the recipient and amount to be given.

6. Spend community pool

Proposals relating to spending the accrued NEPT tokens in the community pool can be made under this section. The proposal should ideally specify the reasons for the distribution and identify the recipient and amount to be given.

Last updated